This website ("Site") is maintained by Kelso Place Asset Management LLP (“KPAM”). Access to and use of this Site is subject always to the following terms and conditions. By using this Site you accept the terms and conditions. KPAM reserves the right to change these terms and conditions at any time by posting the changes on the Site. It is your responsibility to review these terms and conditions regularly to keep up to date with any changes to them. If you do not agree to accept these terms of use, please refrain from using our site.

  1. Disclaimers

    (a) This Site is subject to regular updating and revision. Although we attempt to ensure the accuracy and timeliness of the information on this website, KPAM makes no representation and gives no warranty that such information is accurate, complete or current. You should not rely on the information provided on this website for any purpose, and we take no responsibility for any errors or omissions. Where information has been obtained from outside sources, it is believed to be reliable but has not been independently checked by KPAM, and we take no responsibility for the completeness, accuracy or currency of such information. 

    (b) We provide investment advice only to investment funds managed or advised by us, and not to any other person. None of the information on this website should be construed as investment advice. If you are proposing to engage in any kind of investment activity, you should seek advice from an authorised person who is qualified to advise in respect of that type of investment activity. 

    (c) In your use of this Site, you are responsible for ensuring that you comply with any relevant laws or regulations, and the information on this Site is not directed at, and must not be accessed or otherwise used by, any person to whom such information may not be provided under applicable laws or regulations. 

    (d) We maintain the right to delete or modify in part or in full any information on this Site without prior notice. 

    (e) We do not guarantee that material on this Site will be free from infection, viruses, worms, Trojan horses and/or other codes that have contaminating or destructive properties. It is your responsibility to take protective steps such as virus checking.

  2. Financial Promotions 

    (a) If and to the extent that any information on this website constitutes a financial promotion, such information is directed only at investment professionals and other persons categorised as professional clients for the purposes of the handbook of rules and guidance issued by the Financial Conduct Authority (the “FCA Rules”). The information on this website is not directed at any person who would be categorised as a retail client under the FCA Rules, and under no circumstances should any such person act or rely on any such information.
    (b) If and to the extent that this website contains information about the performance of investments previously made by funds managed or advised by Kelso Place Asset Management LLP, you should be aware that this information has not been audited or verified by an independent party, past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance and future investments may not achieve the same level of returns as previous investments.

  3. Limitation of Liability 

    To the fullest extent permissible by law, KPAM assumes no responsibility or liability for any information published on this Site and further disclaims all liability in respect of such information, provided that the foregoing limitation does not exclude or restrict any duty or liability KPAM may have to a client under the UK Regulatory System (as defined in the FCA Rules). KPAM shall not be liable for data transmission errors such as data loss or damage or alterations of any kind including but not limited to, any direct, indirect or consequential loss or loss of profit suffered as result of using the services provided on the Site. KPAM reserves the right to grant access to this Site at its absolute discretion. Access may be denied by KPAM at any time, for any reason, without notice. 

  4. Links to other websites 

    This site may from time to time contain links to other websites and information on the Internet which may be of interest. KPAM has no control over such outside websites and you acknowledge by your use of this Site that KPAM can accept no responsibility for the content of these external sites and should you choose to use them then you do so at your own risk. For the avoidance of doubt you expressly agree that you will not create any links from any other website to the whole or any part of the Site, either directly or indirectly, without the express prior written permission of KPAM.

  5. Copyright 

    The copyright in all material presented on this Site, unless specifically indicated otherwise, is owned by (or licensed to) KPAM and must not be reproduced in any medium without a licence save as provided in terms of this paragraph. You may view the Site and download any part of it to a personal computer so that you can view it for private purposes. None of the material, nor its content, nor any copy of it, may be altered in any way, transmitted to, or distributed to any other party without the express prior written permission of KPAM in each case.

  6. Data protection 

    KPAM is committed to following policies which protect the privacy of individuals and comply with current UK Data Protection laws and regulations in respect of personal data. KPAM will only obtain personal data relating to individuals from you for specified and lawful purposes and any personal data which KPAM obtains will be processed fairly and lawfully. In particular: 

    (a) Disclosure to third parties - KPAM does not disclose personal information to third parties, except where you have given your consent or where KPAM has a legal obligation to do so.

    (b) Uses of personal data - KPAM collects personal data for use in the normal course of its business. KPAM may use the contact details that you provide to it to inform you of relevant opportunities, developments and events, unless you let KPAM know in writing that you do not wish it to do so. KPAM will only process the individual data which you provide to it for the intended purpose. KPAM will take all reasonable steps to ensure that the data held is adequate, relevant and not excessive for this purpose. 

    (c) Security - KPAM will take all reasonable steps to protect the confidentiality and security of your personal information.

    (d) Accuracy - KPAM will take all reasonable steps to keep your personal information accurate and, where necessary, up to date.

    (e) Retention of data - KPAM will take all reasonable steps to retain personal data only for the duration of the purpose for which it was obtained. When requested, KPAM will delete personal information from current operational systems where it is no longer required. KPAM may need to continue to hold some details about individuals connected with you after your relationship with it has ended, for example for legal and regulatory purposes.

    (f) Your rights - KPAM will take all reasonable steps to keep personal data secure and respect the right of individuals to obtain information on, update or amend any personal data which KPAM holds.

  7. Severability 

    If any provision of these terms and conditions is found by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, you agree that the other provisions of these conditions will remain in full force and effect in so far as possible. 

    Unless otherwise specified, the materials on the Site are directed solely at those who access the Site from the UK mainland. Those who choose to access this Site from locations outside the UK are responsible for compliance with local laws if and to the extent that local laws are applicable, and should be aware that the information provided may not be relevant or appropriate to persons in territories outside the UK. We prohibit any access and/or use of the Site from territories outside the UK where the contents of the Site are illegal or unlawful nor where to allow such access would require any registration, filing, application for any licence or approval or other steps to be taken by KPAM in order to comply with local laws or other regulatory requirements in such overseas territory.

  8. Non-waiver 

    The failure of KPAM to exercise any right or remedy under these terms and conditions shall not constitute a waiver thereof, nor shall any waiver by KPAM of any breach by you constitute a waiver of any subsequent breach.

  9. Internet communications 

    KPAM recommends that you do not send confidential information to us over the Internet. Internet communications may not be secure. Any information is sent at your own personal risk.

  10. Email communications (eCampaigns)

    These communications are sent for information purposes only and are intended for use only by the addressee. If you receive them in error, please delete and contact KPAM immediately. KPAM accepts no liability for changes made to these communications after they have been sent.

  11. Cookies 

    The Site does not contain or use cookies.

  12. Entire Agreement and governing law 

    These terms and conditions constitute the entire agreement between you and KPAM governing access to and use of the Site and the information given in it and are governed by the laws of England and Wales. You agree to submit to the jurisdiction of the English courts in all matters relating to such use.


  1. Kelso Place Asset Management LLP is a limited liability partnership incorporated in England and Wales with registered number OC330139.
  1. The registered office of Kelso Place Asset Management LLP is at:
    3 Barrett Street,
    St Christopher’s Place,
    W1U 1AY

    Tel: +44 (0)20 736 0000


  1. Our VAT registration number is 820472062. 
  1. Kelso Place Asset Management LLP is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority and is entered on the FCA Register with the firm identification number 472182.